Desc: white molly with silver stripes and blue eyes
Eye Color: Cobalt
Gender/Pronouns: Cis Molly, She/her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 119 Moons
Parents: Heatherfog ♱, Firchill ♱, Dropletbracken ♱ (adoptive)
Siblings: Carpcoast ♱ (littermate), Weedscreech ♱, Stumpflurry ♱, Longcrest ♱, Slopestripe ♱, Billowpaw ♱, Flamepelt (half), Drypaw ♱ (half), Coatiglimmer (half), Streamstripe (half), Mistledapple, Seedcatcher, Willowriver, Watersurge, Algaeflow
Mate: n/a
Children: n/a
Permanent Conditions: n/a
Traits: Strict, Den builder
Former Mentor: Partridgeleaf
Former Apprentice(s): Hornetdusk, Fishhunter