
Desc: white tom with a blue tail and back-stripe

Eye Color: Bronze

Gender/Pronouns: Cis Tom, He/him

Sexuality: Omnisexual

Age: 119 Moons

Parents: Stormdazzle, Storkcreek

Siblings: Shadedspeckle (littermate), Scorchpatch (littermate), Snowyfall (littermate), Swiftthistle (littermate), Splashshimmer, Skipspeckle, Songsun ♱, Sycamorespot, Squirrelsnow

Mate: n/a

Children: Blisshaven, Shinefur

Permanent Conditions: n/a

Traits: Righteous, Lore master

Former Mentor: Talonmist

Former Apprentice(s): Fernfangs, Springleaf